Category - 2020

Policy: BCC Response to IPO Call for Evidence on the Enforcement Framework – 9 November 2020

The British Copyright Council's response to the IPO's Enforcement Framework advocates for rightholders, in particular sharing our views on access to justice, the need for all links in the creative value chain to balance responsibility for preventing and tackling online piracy, and the potential for a non-mandatory statutory damages option.
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Policy: BCC Response to the House of Lords EU International Agreements Sub-committee inquiry into the UK-US trade negotiations – 30 October 2020

Our priorities: i. The UK should NOT under any circumstances adopt the ‘fair use’ approach to limitations and exceptions. ii. The UK should use the negotiations as an opportunity to encourage the US to review its approach to the Artist’s Resale Right, website blocking and Public Lending Right. iii. The UK should reject proposals which prescribe “safe harbour” provisions for online platforms by reference to the US Section 230 Communications and Decency Act or the specific provisions of the US’s Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). iv. The BCC supports establishing a UK-US intellectual property working group. It should ensure that the voices of creators are represented and a key focus should be the increasingly important role of intermediaries in the digital marketplace.
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