The voice for copyright in the UK
British Copyright Council responds to the 2024 General Election result

The Labour Party has (July 5) won the General Election and has been invited by The King to form the next UK Government.  Responding, Stephanie Reeves, Director of Policy and Public Affairs, British Copyright Council says: “We welcome the new government and look...

A representative voice

We provide an effective, authoritative and representative voice for the copyright community, and encourage greater understanding and acceptance of copyright in the UK and around the world.

A watching brief

We monitor changes in law, social practices and technology that may affect copyright and related rights, consulting with our members and working closely with the British Government and international groups on current issues and policies.

An information resource

This website is a resource for organisations that represent creators, performers and other rights holders, or manage rights for creative material. You’ll find our latest news, policy documents and details of upcoming meetings.
The voice for copyright in the UK
British Copyright Council responds to the 2024 General Election result

The Labour Party has (July 5) won the General Election and has been invited by The King to form the next UK Government.  Responding, Stephanie Reeves, Director of Policy and Public Affairs, British Copyright Council says: “We welcome the new government and look...

A representative voice

We provide an effective, authoritative and representative voice for the copyright community, and encourage greater understanding and acceptance of copyright in the UK and around the world.

A watching brief

We monitor changes in law, social practices and technology that may affect copyright and related rights, consulting with our members and working closely with the British Government and international groups on current issues and policies.

An information resource

This website is a resource for organisations that represent creators, performers and other rights holders, or manage rights for creative material. You’ll find latest copyright-related news, policy information and details of upcoming events.
Slider images: Shutterstock; see News pages for blog image credits