The 27th WIPO-BCC advanced course on copyright and related rights reached another successful conclusion on 13 September, following expert presentations from 47 speakers during two weeks of intense training. The course, first held in 1981, once again welcomed a terrific cohort of 20 participants drawn from 19 countries across all continents, most of whom hold senior IP positions in their national governments or in creator organisations and collecting societies.

One of this year’s participants, Kuenga Dorji from the Department of IP at the Ministry of Economic Affairs in Bhutan, described the course as “engaging”, “informative” and “extremely enlightening”, adding: “I have no doubt that this training programme has contributed tremendously over the years in imparting meaningful knowledge and experiences to the participants from different countries and in enhancing the copyright systems across the globe.”

Chaired by Dr Gaetano Dimita, senior lecturer in international IP at Queen Mary University of London, and Florian Koempel, the BCC’s international copyright consultant, the training was held in association with the Centre for Commercial Law Studies at QMUL, and the UK Intellectual Property Office, and supported by nine sponsors (see our dedicated webpage for details) and a host of BCC members who contributed as speakers, alongside leading copyright academics and lawyers. Sincere thanks to everyone involved.

Photo: The WIPO-BCC class of 2019 with songwriter Helienne Lindvall (back row, 8th from left) alongside session co-ordinator Florian Koempel. (c) Elisabeth Ribbans